It was like few days ago when Mr. Mario gave us this task to do. He picked some students to be the leader for each KH group presentation about "bloody konsumerisme". I was talking so happily with some dude near me and suddenly my name was called. As usual I was blurr and kelam-kabut asking what was it all about. Then I was like " HAA?!". So yeah. Mimie was so eager to be in my group and so I had to invite Sara in. Then Ben. Then Nazri. Then Hairol. Then Muthu. Yey my group completed. I thought ok fine we'll do the normal mahjong paper thingy but then Hairol said " NO! Thats too boring. I wanna do shooting". I agreed. So we planned goin to Curve. Yeah. Seperti biasa more nonsense than work. Sempat tengok movie somemore. We did something la but during the shooting Ben was being such an arse. He kept zooming in and out with the camera and I was bending down in the scene, SO you can see lurah of my two fun bags which was very disturbing.
"BEN, YOU SWINE!" I bellowed. So then Hairol said we'll do again next time.
A day after that we all went to "Hairol's Crib" excluding the swine and Muthu. He's house is so damn cool. We watched snippets of a few movies. I kept squealing at the violent parts as I do not frequently watch Pg18 movies. Sara and Nazri were loving each on the other couch(HAHA), Hairol and Mimie were happily bertengkar-ing over some silly thing and I was curled up alone hugging a small pillow focusing on the movie. After that, we then started the project again. We did about Mac and Pc. Mimie's a voter of Mac while I voted for Pc. Mimie then kept whinning about she doesnt want to be on camera because of her looks or something. She pratically does that evryday; but that day I just had enough of it.
Mimie: Why not I do the shooting? I dont wanna be on camera.
Sara: Nono, I'll be shooting. Its my camera.
Hairol: Yeah, Nazri will be Mac and I will be PC. Only you and Raimi left.
MIMIE: But I dont wanna be on camera! Please, let me shoot.
Hairol: Ok lets do this. Nazri you go over there..etc
I felt guilty for being so harsh on Mimie. Rite after the shoot she went back home. After that we went strolling around the golf course. Hairol pulak felt it was his fault for making Mimie upset. I tried convincing him its not his fault, its mine. Then we sampai this pondok at the course and talked about stuff. Nazri with Sara la ofcourse. Hairol and I went back to his house. the two lovebirds took a long time to get back. Hairol being his horny-self.
Hairol: Oh they must be f*cking each other there. (making orgasm sounds)
ME: Shut up la Hairol. You think so negatively.
Now Mimie doesnt do that a lot. LOVE YA MIMERSLEY :)